The information containes in the page is related to Exchange and return policy agreed between Loja Aquecimento Central, a registered trademark of Ecoreflexus, Lda. located in Rua António Livramento Nº 3C Lisbon, Portugal with company ID PT508454808, Capital Social 5.000,00€  Registada na CRC de Cascais com o número 508454808 em 28/01/2008   hereinafter referred by ‘’Loja Aquecimento Central’’ and customers that wish to make a purchase through the website domain hereinafter referred as ‘’Customer’’.

Both parties agree that purchases made through this website are to be regulated exclusively by the present contract with exclusion of any conditions and\or options previously made available in the website.



  1. Any order contract made through the website can be freely resolved under the terms of Article 6º Decree-Law nº 143/2001, 26th of April. To the desired effect the Costumer must return his order in 15 days maximum starting from the day they received the order, and only after contacting costumer support , available to the Costumer in the website
  2. The refund process is simple and the costumer should always contact before.   
  3. The Loja Aquecimento Central does not accept any returned item that comes with shipping costs or requires cash on delivery, committing itself to refunding the customer in 30 Days maximum starting from the day of the reception of the returned order.
  4. Any shipped item that has been returned must be so in pristine condition as when first shipped to the Costumer.
  5. Products shipped for Free or sent as gifts will not be refunded.



  1. The costumer can take their complaints to Ecoreflexus, Lda., located in Rua António Livramento, Nº 3C Loja G 1600-371 LISBOA.


The native language of this store is Portuguese. In case of discrepancies of the information provided in this shop, the Portuguese language prevails.
Any translation error for the remaining languages available, which imply the sale, collection or sending on commercial terms other than those presented in the native language, does not imply an obligation on our part in the sale in question. Exception made in cases where specific preferences are offered for each country.